APTWear: A Toolkit for Analysis, Profiling, and Testing of Android Wear Apps

Wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches, fitness wristbands, head-mounted displays, smart jewelry, body cameras, and smart garments) are expected to become one of the fastest growing areas in computing. Android Wear is Google's software platform for developing applications for such devices. The increasing use of wearable apps will require novel software engineering research advances and tools to improve developer productivity and software quality, performance, and security. To support these research efforts, we plan to develop APTWear, a toolkit for analysis, profiling, and testing of Android Wear apps. The first step in the development of APTWear is a novel approach for analysis and testing of notifications in Android Wear apps. Details of this work are described in [ICSE17]. Version 1.0 of APTWear contains the analyses and benchmarks from this paper. In a follow-up supplement, we have released the analyses and benchmarks from the work on watch faces, as described in [FSE18]. Future releases of APTWear will contain additional techniques for analysis, testing, and profiling of Android Wear apps.



The software release of APTWear 1.0 is available at here.

The supplement for the work on watch faces, described in [FSE18], is available here and contains (1) implementation, (2) watch faces with leaks, and (3) all 1490 benchmarks described in the paper. Note that this is a stand-alone supplement and it is not necessary to install AptWear 1.0 in order to use it; in the future these two components may be integrated.

For usage instructions, please see the corresponding README files. For questions or comments, please contact Atanas Rountev.


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants CCF-1319695 and CCF-1526459, and by a Google Faculty Research Award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Google Inc.
This page was last updated on August 6, 2018